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Monday, September 7, 2015

Fiverr is Another way of Make money online.

Fiverr is a website where you can make $5 doing almost anything. On the site, people upload jobs that they’re willing to do for $5, like writing Facebook posts for companies. Many of the jobs require creative skills such as graphic design or audio editing, but tasks are things you can easily do on the couch in your spare time.
 We’ve all seen them – people who promise to show you how to make thousands at home in your spare time. There are many easy and legal ways to earn a few bucks on the Internet. Now I will discus about Fiverr more. Fiverr is now the world’s largest marketplace for people to make money selling small services (known as ‘gigs’).For $5, you can find all sorts of jobs at Fiverr: Funny and Bizarre, Social Marketing, Graphics, Advertising, Technology, Business, etc.

Creative users tend to “value-add” their gigs so as to find broader appeal and better profit. The default price is $5 (hence Fiverr..), but you can attach extra services to gigs for more money. Whilst it might not seem like much, it can quickly add up and there are plenty of examples of people making a really good living from the site. The key is to get a system in place which minimises the time spent on each gig.

But there is another way to profit even more from Fiverr for potentially far less work. How? By simply reselling gigs elsewhere. For example, find a decent logo designer then reply to jobs on Upwork or even local classifieds. A $5 spend can easily become $50+, and it’s repeatable!

This website normally sells services such as content writing, photo editing and video editing. It is possible for a person to earn up to one thousand dollars a month on Fiverr, but you need to follow hard working .

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Top 200 Classified ad post sites.

Hey Guys, Today i will share top 200 classified free ad posting sites of different countries. These are very helpful for make money online. Most of the time , we expect , my blog or site will be very popular. But we can’t bring  unique visitors. Free Classified ad post is effective for it. For SEO. Backlink post, meta comments, Social media post are very popular for more visitors. But for link building, Free Classified ad post is the best. So, Free Classified ad posting is the best way for this problem.
Some Free Classified ad sites are given below:
US Free Classified ad post sites:
Indian Free Classified ad post sites:
Australian Free Classified ad post sites:
1. www.hukes.com
2. www.olxaustralia.com
3. Craigslist Australia

3. gumtree.com.au/
4. adpost.com/au/
6. post.noflies.com.au/
7. ozads.com.au/
8. post-ads-free.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-classifieds-website-in-australia.html
9. ozbargain.com.au
10. olx.com.au/
11. australia.global-free-classified-ads.com/
12. workingholidayjobs.careerone.com.au/
13. post-ads-free.blogspot.com/2012/10/top-10-classifieds-website-in-australia.html
14. australia.clicads.com/
16. pinterest.com/gosell/free-ads-online-australia/
17. myadpost.com/au/
18. advertiser.seek.com.au/
19. tradingpost.com.au/Noticeboard/Freebies/Browse
20. nowhiring.com.au/
21. postads.com.au/
22. broometrader.com.au/
23. everydayclassifieds.com/
24. cairnspost.com.au/classifieds/placemyad
25. classifieds.ozfreeonline.com/
26. nearpage.com/
27. postmyads.com.au/category/324/Miscellaneous/listings/2054/Advertise-Online-Free-Australia-Post-My-Ads-Free.html
28. fmclassifieds.com/
29. expatads.com/65-Australia/
30. lookitout.com/
31. classifieds.ozfreeonline.com/
32. yiddleit.com/Free Ads Online Australia-2587/
33. nearpage.com/
34. australiafreeads.com/
35. freetrafficgeek.com/australia-free-classified-sites/
36. adsnity.com/
37. cairnspost.com.au/classifieds/placemyad
38. gosell.tumblr.com/
39. cecaca.com/
40. jobsearchoz.com/about/employers.aspx
41. studentbees.com.au/
42. truebuy.com.au/
43. myaddsposting.blogspot.com/2013/10/australian-free-classifieds-list.html
44. everydayclassifieds.com/
45. australia.dusads.com/en/australia.html
46. classifiedglobal.wordpress.com/2013/05/08/australia-top-free-classifieds-list-australia-free-classifieds-sites/
47. fullseoeducation.blogspot.com/2013/10/34-australian-classified-ads-site.html
48. adskingdom.ae.ma/
49. muamat.com/classifieds/-30_Australia/
50. website-submissions.blogspot.com/2013/10/australian-free-classifieds-sites-list.html
51. justthinkcars.com.au/
52. employmentpost.com.au/join_jobsonline.php
53. australia.lebanezo.com/
54. au.easyroommate.com/
55. ads2020.blogspot.com/2014/01/Best-Australia-Classifieds-sites-list-post-free-ads-for-Australian-cities-advertising-list-2014.html
56. topbestlisted.blogspot.com/2011/11/free-classified-sites-no-registration.html
57. jobs4-me.com.au/
58. houses.wijuaustralia.com/post-free-ads.html
59. traderoo.com.au/l/Australia/PetsAnimals
60. themercury.com.au/classifieds
61. propertypost.com.au/
62. anunico-au.com/
63. post-ads-free.blogspot.com/2012/09/top-500-classified-website-list-for.html
64. myrentandshare.com/
65. share-accommodation.net/faq.htm
66. jobslash.com/
67. freeads.6te.net/
68. themercury.com.au/classifieds
69. olx.in/
70. ockalist.com.au/
71. adelaidenow.com.au/classifieds
72. classi4au.com/
73. houses.wijuaustralia.com/post-free-ads.html
74. hiragroupindia.com/wp-content/lang/download/u-post-free-ads-home.php
75. freeadpost.com.au/
76. thepetitionsite.com/
77. freeadpost.com.au/
78. exboll.com/category/100-post-free-classified-ads/
79. topbestlisted.blogspot.com/2011/11/free-classified-sites-no-registration.html
80. wantedpost.com.au/
81. employmentpost.com.au/join_jobsonline.php
82. tcnext.com/search/post-a-free-mephedrone-classified-ads-in-australia
83. themercury.com.au/classifieds
84. Best Classifieds for Australia
85. muamat.com/classifieds/-30_Australia/
86. my.opera.com/heatlinacomtoli/about/
87. myrentandshare.com/
88. boostcruising.com.au/car-sales/
89. digiads.com.au/carsales/
90. adsfeast.com/
91. adelaidenow.com.au/classifieds
92. usnetads.com/
93. postfreeads.com/I hope, This list will help you for good SEO.